January 26, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Our Commitment of Service to you will never end. We Love our agents!
Your Path to Success, we are very excited to Welcome you and to Join us to the new and improve FSR-ERA Team! You will get to meet the Broker & Sales Director together with all FSR-ERA Support Team! You will be introduce to company history, agents work ethics, company procedures and best practices, business planning and coaching.
An overview of all FSR-ERA advance marketing products and tools, Agents Leverage platform, your powerful free personal website, as well as social media marketing, your contact manager ZAP, all amazing free tools, full of value for agents at no cost.
Our Commitment of Service to you will never end. We Love our agents!
Your Path to Success, we are very excited to Welcome you and to Join us to the new and improve FSR-ERA Team! You will get to meet the Broker & Sales Director together with all FSR-ERA Support Team! You will be introduce to company history, agents work ethics, company procedures and best practices, business planning and coaching.
An overview of all FSR-ERA advance marketing products and tools, Agents Leverage platform, your powerful free personal website, as well as social media marketing, your contact manager ZAP, all amazing free tools, full of value for agents at no cost.
We look forward to meeting each of you.